AEBA Enters the fight to end hunger with the 2023 Edward jones bag-a-thon

Dear Arizona Elite Youth Baseball Academy Families, Friends, and Supporters —

I hope this message finds you doing well today. At the Arizona Elite Youth Baseball Academy, we believe in not only developing exceptional young athletes but also fostering a strong sense of community and giving back. It is with this spirit that we are excited to announce our participation again in this year's Edward Jones "Bag-A-Thon," a wonderful initiative dedicated to ending community hunger. Over 750,000 Arizonians face hunger with 250,000+ being children. 

The Edward Jones "Bag-A-Thon" is an annual event that brings together organizations, businesses, and individuals from all over Arizona to collect food items and resources for those in need in our local communities. We are proud to be a part of this incredible cause, and we invite you to join us in making a positive impact in the lives of those less fortunate.

Check out the attachments to see how you can get involved in the fight against hunger. 

Event Details:

Collection Starts Today, October 16th 
Last Day to Donate: October 27th
AEBA Donation Location: DBAT-Scottsdale Talking Stick - 9109 East Talking Stick Way, Scottsdale, AZ 

We encourage every family within our organization to participate in any way they can. Whether you can donate non-perishable food items, volunteer your time at the event, or spread the word to friends and family, your contributions will make a significant difference.

How You Can Help:

Donate Food Items: Please bring non-perishable food items to DBAT-Scottsdale on or before the event day. We will have collection points set up for your convenience here in the main lobby.

Spread the Word: Share the news about our involvement in the "Bag-A-Thon" on your social media profiles and among your friends and family to encourage their participation as well.

At the Arizona Elite Youth Baseball Academy, we believe that our young athletes can become not only champions on the field but also champions in their communities. Join us in this meaningful endeavor to make a difference and show our commitment to making our community a better place for all.

We are excited about the positive impact we can collectively make and look forward to your participation in this worthwhile cause. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to us or contact Jess Dechant at 

Thank you for being a part of our Arizona Elite family and for supporting our efforts to give back to the community.

Warm regards,

ZJ Buster

Arizona Elite Baseball Academy - Head Coach, Owner

Cell: 480-684-4174  | "Aspire to inspire before we expire"

AEBA Donation LOCATION - DBAT Scottsdale Talking Stick


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